Friendship & Thinking Of You Collection Page 2

To download and install the Stationery files, click on the word DOWNLOAD and un-zip it according to the directions on my Instructions Page.    For automatic installation of stationery, choose the EXE format when available.  If there is matching Desktop Wallpaper  RIGHT click on the graphic and choose Save As Wallpaper.  To preview the full Stationery click on the word PREVIEW when available.    ***TIP***Use the HTML file as your desktop wallpaper see my Instructions Page for this idea, and to get help installing and using stationery.   ***NEW*** SIGNATURE TAGS see the TUTORIAL on how to use them.   Just click on the word TAG underneath the small image to download these neat little stationery signature cuties!

If you have any problems, please let me know....I'm always happy to help!


More on Page 3 and Page 1


"Simple Wish" by Carol's Creations "Oriental Lady" by Marco "Stain Glass Thinking Of You" by Marco
ZIP            PREVIEW           EXE ZIP            PREVIEW           EXE ZIP                    EXE
"True Friend" by Carol's Creations "Cat & Dog" by Marco "Bouquet of Hugs" by Carol's Creations
ZIP            PREVIEW           EXE ZIP                   EXE ZIP            PREVIEW           EXE
"Just For You"  by Carol's Creations "For My Friend" by Carol's Creations "Special Friend Lily" by Marco
ZIP                   EXE ZIP            PREVIEW           EXE ZIP                   EXE
"Miss Me?" by Carol's Creations "Friends Peace" by Carol's Creations "Hug Girl" by Marco
ZIP            PREVIEW           EXE ZIP            PREVIEW           EXE ZIP            PREVIEW           EXE
"Remember In Prayers" by Carol's Creations "Pale Petunia Morning" by Marco "Road Meeting" by Marco
   ZIP            PREVIEW           EXE ZIP                    EXE ZIP         EXE
"Tulips Thinking Of You" by Carol's Creations "Kitten Thinking Of You" by Carol's Creations "How You Doing?" by Marco
DOWNLOAD.                       ZIP                EXE ZIP                EXE
"Flower Friend" by Carol's Creations "Forever Friends Bears" by Marco "Carrot Friend" by Carol's Creations
DOWNLOAD.              PREVIEW DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD.              


Thinking / Friendship Page 3              Page 1